Taking care with skincare

Our Philosophy:

At PharmMade we believe skincare, like life, is all about balance.  Balancing natural and clinical ingredients, balancing internal and external factors, and balancing gentleness and effectiveness of our formulas.  I wanted to create formulas that boost your skin's health, and give you exactly what you need, without causing harm to your skin barrier.

The natural world has so much to offer in the form of nourishment and herbal medicine.  However, a background in healthcare helps in understanding the importance of manufactured elements that can't be harvested from the natural world.  So I've struck out to create a line of skincare that uses what nature has given us, supported by novel man-made, bio-identical ingredients that our skin needs to be young and healthy. In this way, we are maintaining the integrity of our skin by providing nourishing plant ingredients as well as replenishing essential skin components giving us not only physiologically healthy skin but aesthetically healthy skin as well!

Our Mission:

Skin care with skincare. Healthy skin is naturally vibrant, youthful, and beautiful.

Social media and the beauty industry have created an unrealistic and unhealthy expectation of beauty, pushing us to look younger, thinner, taller, hide our flaws with filters and cosmetics, and put ourselves through expensive procedures and unproven trends.  We're on a mission to prove that healthy is the true definition of beauty and we want to help you embrace that too!

We encourage you to simplify your skincare routine and take care by providing your skin with only the essentials:  Nourishment, gentle plant-based supplements, and replenishment of natural skin components. 

Years of education and research have helped create our plant-based health-focused formulas.  I've broken down all the elements of our skin and how it changes over time and designed our products to replenish and nurture our skin's health.  By nurturing our skin and embracing its natural processes, there will be no need for expensive peels or treatments to have us looking our best.

We hope you'll embrace our "healthy is beautiful" principle and let PharmMade be the only thing your skin ever needs!

Our Founder:


Lisa, PharmD

Founder, CEO, Formulator & Chief Maker

I have a bachelor's degree in biology and a doctorate of pharmacy. I created PharmMade after struggling with my own skin concerns, wanting to limit the amount of synthetic chemicals I was putting on my face and return my skin to its natural healthy state.

Through sustainably harvesting my own ingredients, eliminating harsh chemicals, and harnessing the active components of plants, I was able to solve my own issues and now my skin looks better than ever! I started PharmMade to share in my success, and to promote the need for putting skin health first.